
In 2010, President Barack Obama developed his National Security Strategy (NSS), which included the goal of developing clean energy resources for both environmental and national security reasons. As a result of this objective and supporting federal initiatives, wind energy projects such as wind farms are on the rise. While the switch to alternative wind energy stands to improve the nation's energy security, it has the potential of adversely affecting another national security aspect—military security. Wind farms create electromagnetic fields that interfere with military radar systems. Similarly, they are physical obstacles on military training routes. This threat presents a dilemma—a clash between two national security interests.

Although the DOD has attempted to mitigate these problems on its own, two high profile wind energy projects resulted in congressional involvement. Notwithstanding legislation passed by Congress, there are still no federal mandates that insure against wind farms adversely impacting military security.

This paper outlines the two national security interests and the impact that wind turbines have on military security. It will provide an argument for a federal mandate that ensures that national security is not impaired by the increase in wind farms and conclude with a model for such legislation.


National Security and Wind Farms: Can They Co-Exist?
Jameson, Sharoiha Pualani Kanehailua
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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