
Inspired by the researcher's own experiences as a memoir writer, this narrative inquiry examined the transformative and empowering dynamics of writing a memoir in connection with transcendent and pivotal experiences, particularly the experience of a certain loss, and the relationship between Maslow's theory of metamotivation (of self-actualized individuals) B-(being) creativity and D-(deficiency) creativity, and the writing of a memoir. The 5 purposefully chosen participants were esteemed writers who had published at least one full-length memoir. The participants ranged in ages from 35 to 75 and included 2 men and 3 women. The study offered a comprehensive profile of each participant and showed the transpersonal relevance of writing as a transpersonal practice by using creative expression in the form of reflective, reflexive, and embodied writing. In lieu of presenting a problem, this study presented an opportunity to examine the transcendent experiences that led the participants to write a memoir. The data collection is presented in the form of memoir excerpts, interviews, lectures, and observations. Data analysis was done using the thematic content analysis method. The poignant findings contribute to the ongoing knowledge of the important role of writing as a transpersonal practice. The results illustrate the transformative dynamics of writing a full-length memoir and how the process may be both transformative and empowering. More specifically, the results show that writing a full-length memoir offered the participants a chance to review their lives, find resolution regarding the transcendent or pivotal experience, find inner peace, and establish enough clarity of mind to be able to move forward in their lives.


Creative transcendence: Memoir writing for transformation and empowerment
Raab, Diana M.
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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