
Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon in modern society, as a risk factor for several chronic diseases. This study investigated the feasibility of utilizing a four-week online e-health yoga video series to provide adults with a potential mechanism for stress management. While 128 subjects provided informed consent, 92 provided baseline data, 63 joined the study by following instructions to receive the videos, 27 provided end of week # 1 data; and, 14 of 27 provided a discernable personal code for matching files (51.85% adherence rate to personal code instructions). Thus, the final sample was N=14 (of 63 with video access) for a 22.22% study completion rate/63.5% attrition rate. Study completers (N=14) were 85.7% )n=12) White female (n=12) with mean age of 43.86 years (min=21, max=61, SD=10.52), mean education (M=5.07, min=2, max=6, SD=1.072) closest to a Master’s Degree, and mean household income (M=5.31,min=1, max=7, SD=1.494) closest to $50,000-$99,000.

Post-video, the mean dose of exposure to the yoga videos was closest to watching all of the videos, as a measure of very good adherence; barriers to adherence included not enough time due to other responsibilities. The yoga video series was rated between good and very good, while 64.3% (n=9) reported intention to continue to practice this form of yoga, and recommend the series to others. As the main study variable of interest, the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS-10) pre-video Cronbach’s Alpha was .916, suggesting excellent internal consistency. Using paired t-tests, the pre-video PSS-10 mean (Mean= 15.0, min 3 max 31, SD= 8.421) was higher than the post-video mean PSS-10 (Mean= 9.21, min 2 max 16, SD= 4.457), achieving significance (t= 3.377, df=13, p =.0055) at the Bonferroni Significance level (p=.005)—suggesting the intervention was an effective brief intervention for reducing past month stress. Qualitative data showed positive emergent themes supporting feasibility and acceptability of planning to continue the practice due to personal benefits, easily accessible, relaxing, and effective; and, negative themes of yoga sequencing/format issues, general preference for in-person instruction, and general dislike. Overall, the pilot study’s findings support the feasibility of providing online four-week yoga e-health intervention. Implications and recommendations are discussed.


A mixed-methods feasibility study on the provision of a brief online yoga intervention as e-health for improving stress management: Perceived stress, stage of change for stress management, and self-efficacy for stress management and engagement in yoga
Mussman, Kenneth Brian
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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