
The healthcare ecosystem in the United States demands that professionals enter the workforce prepared at an academic and skill level that is legal, relevant, progressive, and impactful. The U.S. healthcare ecosystem encompasses consumers, clinicians, payors, practitioners, providers, researchers, and thought leaders, all who are focused on granting appropriate patient-driven care every patient deserves. Quality higher education in healthcare areas of study is a necessary commodity and increasing the number of properly educated graduates with advanced degrees in health-related fields warrants attention. This case study specifically addresses the Health Information Management (HIM) profession and aligned higher education and the motivation of program directors as leaders of associate HIM degree programs accredited by The Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management (CAHIIM). The research was conducted using an online survey asking questions of CAHIIM accredited associate degree HIM program directors that would illustrate the current status of leadership motivation related to academic and professional development. Key findings of this case study included relationships between program directors’ age with leadership, familiarity with HIMReimagined (HIMR) and leadership, employment designation with motivation, and professional development and motivation. Furthermore, it is evident immediate action is necessary within the health information academy in order to sustain the HIM profession, maintain relevancy, and avoid professional obsolescence is necessary.


A Case Study Reimagining the Motivation and Leadership of Health Information Management Associate Degree Program Directors
Brightwell, Sandra Sue
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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