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[...]Twitter was chosen for its representativeness in the country, being the second most used network in Ecuador (Ministerio de Telecomunicaciones y de la Sociedad de la Información, 2015); and third, because its Application Program Interface (API) allows connectivity with applications for data capture and analysis of social networks, specifically the Gephi program. In the previous figure, the mustard nodes correspond to tweets, while the red nodes correspond to users. [...]the user @americatoda sent a tweet with the text, "Indomita in many countries the culture of the organ donation does not exist. Furthermore, the preliminary capture revealing that there are few references to the donation of organs as such also announced the need to establish keywords that are effectively related to the country. [...]the official account of the Instituto Nacional de DonaciónyTrasplantesde Órganos,TejidosyCélulas-INDOT(@indotecuador)andseveral hashtags was selected from their latest publications, with priority to those expressing issues related to organ donation as well as Ecuador, including #Ecuadorpaisdonante, #indotacredita, #ecuadordonante, #indotecuador, #donateorganosesdarvida, #yodonovida, #yosoydonante, and #soydonanteymifamilialosabe. A network thus formed allows us to schematically observe the behaviour of the people and the information they generate, the most used hashtag being the one that receives the most lines or edges, or the size of the network directly linked to the number of people and data involved. [...]either through references to users, retweeting or collective use of hashtags, links or images.1 In the particular case of this investigation, the program was configured so that not only the messages but also the users, mentions, retweets, links and linked hashtags are captured, in order to have a more considerable amount of data for analysis.


Promoting organ donation on the Twitter platform: an exploratory analysis in Ecuador
dos Santos, Sueny Paloma Lima 1 ; Martínez, Gabriel Francisco Cevallos 2 

 Nursing Faculty, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, 170143, Quito, Ecuador 
 School of Government and Public Administration, Instituto de Altos Estudios Nacionales, 170135, Quito, Ecuador 
Publication year
Publication date
Aug 2020
Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
© 2020. This work is published under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.