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© 2020. This work is published under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.


Abstract: In an extremely competitive market, where huge amounts of information about user and consumption profiles are generated daily, the management of this data allows companies to find ways to improve their attractiveness and differentiation, being able to create offers geared to specific consumption needs. Through this study it was realized that the correct management of data warehouses allows the best use of the data generated daily by the buying behavior and user profiles to deliver richer experiences and targeted to specific needs. Para tal, na seçao 2. será realizada uma revisão de literatura, sobre Business Inteligence e Data Warehouse, passando para a seçao 3. com uma descriçao sobre os conceitos orientados em e-commerce e, finalmente, na seçao 4. uma conclusao sobre o tema exposto. 2.Revisão de Literatura No início dos anos 90, os data warehouses tem destaque nos aplicativos de tecnologias da informaçao como uma forma de as organizaçoes usarem efetivamente as informaçoes digitais para o planeamento do negocio e tomada de decisao (Alhyasat, Al-Dalahmeh, 2013). Os data warehouses (DW) sao repositórios de inteligencia, servindo como "data lakes" a partir do qual Business Inteligence pode ser derivada (Al-Debei, 2011).


O Uso e Exploração de Data Warehouses na Tomada de Decisão em e-Commerce
Sartortt, Matheus 1 ; Bernardino, Jorge 2 ; Pedrosa, Isabel 3 

 Coimbra Business School | ISCAC, Polytechnic of Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal 
 Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra - ISEC i2A - Instituto de Investigação Aplicada Coimbra, Portugal 
 Coimbra Business School | ISCAC, Polytechnic of Coimbra Instituto Universitario de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL) ISTAR-IUL, Portugal 
Publication year
Publication date
Sep 2020
Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
© 2020. This work is published under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.