
Mental toughness recently became a psychological phenomenon of high interest due to its perceived necessity for an athlete’s success in sport. Given its relatively new conceptualization, there is limited literature surrounding mental toughness. Nevertheless, the demand for more mentally tough athletes requires more research of specific psychological strategies that facilitate mental toughness development within athletes. The purpose of study was to examine athletes’ use of self-talk and levels of mental toughness following a coach-mediated mental toughness intervention. Sixteen female collegiate volleyball athletes were assessed following a longitudinal coach-mediated intervention. Assessments included the Self-Talk Questionnaire (ST-Q), Mental Toughness Scale (MTS), open-ended questionnaire, and post-season question. A Pearson’s correlation revealed no significant relationship between self-talk and mental toughness throughout the intervention. However, positive significant relationships were found between post mental toughness and post self-talk subscales: motivational, r = .91, p < .001, and cognitive r = .72, p = .002. Open-ended questions revealed athletes experienced positive and negative self-directed/team-directed thoughts, an importance of playing time, and positive perception of self-talk’s impact on mental toughness. Post-season questionnaire revealed self-talk as the most common psychological strategy used by athletes to personally contribute to their mental toughness development. The findings of this study partially support a relationship between self-talk and mental toughness. Future studies should continue investigating how athletes’ self-talk relates to their mental toughness.


Talking to Myself About Mental Toughness: Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Talk and Mental Toughness
Olvera, Sergio
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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