
In today’s world, digital sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies assist scientists and researchers with understanding the effects of global warming, climate change, and other environmental issues. At the same time, sustainable communities such as ecovillages and co-housing communities try to limit greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere by reducing transportation needs, working from home, using renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy in lieu of fossil fuels, and feeding from locally grown fruits and vegetables. This study was conducted in order to understand the intersection between sustainable communities and IoT technologies. A review of the literature revealed that few studies have focused on sustainable communities and the application of IoT technologies to meet ecological sustainability goals. The population for this study included U.S.-based sustainable communities. The study consisted of a two phase, explanatory sequential mixed-methods study. The first phase consisted of a self-administered online questionnaire and the second phase consisted of a case study. The results from the first phase were grouped into five categories: (a) Demographic data, (b) sustainable values and goals, (c) use of IoT technologies to meet sustainability goals, (d) adoption factors, and (e) adoption barriers. Data gathered in the first phase of the study were also used to develop propositions for the second phase of the study. Phase 2 results were obtained from data collection methods and analysis consistent with case study research. The case study design had five key components: (a) Research question(s), (b) propositions, (c) its case(s), (d) the logic linking the data to the propositions, (e) the criteria for interpreting the results. Results from both phases were compared and contrasted in order to arrive at an interpreted set for results for the study.

The results from the study indicated that sustainable community members utilized IoT technologies to measure sustainability goals with limitations. Among four categories of IoT technologies (energy, water, agriculture, and livestock), energy monitoring was the most prevalent. Results from the study also indicated that adoption factors varied among sustainable community members. Respondents were most concerned that IoT technologies were compatible with their personal values and beliefs, but differed in their responses on the remaining values (complexity, relative advantage, trialability, and observability). Among barriers to adoption, cost was consistently reported as the most significant factor.


Internet of Things and Sustainable Communities: Using Technology for Ecological Sustainability
Love, Michael D.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.