
This pilot study examined the research design on the efficacy of the Tomatis® Method in remediating central auditory processing disorder (C/APD). C/APD is a complex disorder impacting children’s lives, from social communication to education. The primary focus of the study was feasibility and looked at potential recruitment efforts, compliance, ability to implement, complete testing and treatment protocols, retention, and treatment fidelity.

The secondary focus of the study was the experimental portion of the study which consisted of 2 groups: Tomatis and control, each with 4 participants for a total of 8. The 8 participants were randomly assigned to one of the two groups. Both groups underwent pre- and post-testing using standardized testing methods widely accepted in the field of auditory therapy dealing with C/APD. The group on the waitlist for the intervention served as the control. The Tomatis group received the Tomatis® Method.

Overall, in 13/17 subtests, all participants in the treatment group improved, which was not seen in the control group. Additionally, scores of the treatment group showed greater improvements in the tests, in which there were some improvements in some of the participants in the control group. On 5/17 tests, at least one participant in the treatment group improved vs. no improvement in the control group.

The results of the primary focus of this pilot study showed that it is feasible. Additionally, encouraging trends showing that the Tomatis® Method may improve auditory processing and may positively impact related functions required for learning were seen.


The Efficacy of the Tomatis® Method in Remediating Auditory Processing Disorder in Children
QuenimHerr, Sharmila
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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