
The purpose of this qualitative descriptive study was to understand how workers describe the interior design and the design dimensions of a remodeled office space as it relates to workplace satisfaction in central Arizona. The overarching research question was: How do workers describe the interior design and design dimensions of a remodeled office space as it relates to workplace satisfaction? The sample included workers of a remodeled office space located in central Arizona who completed a questionnaire and participated in an interview. The theoretical foundation was the theory of perceived satisfaction. The instruments for data collection included a questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The data sources included data from the questionnaire, interviews, and photographs of the interior design and design dimensions of the office space. The data analysis included thematic analysis and descriptive statistics. The findings from this study provided insights into how the interior design and design dimensions relate to workplace satisfaction. Recommendation for future research included an investigation on how the organization’s values, culture, and play a role in influencing the interior design of an office space attributed to workplace satisfaction; an investigation on the design of open office concept and factors of open office concept that lead to positive workplace satisfaction; an investigation on the effects of a pandemic related to workplace satisfaction and the evolution of impacts on a post-pandemic work environment and space use; as well as an investigation on the relationship of open office concept or shared workspace to workplace satisfaction in a post-pandemic world.


A Qualitative Descriptive Study Exploring How the Interior Design Relates to Workplace Satisfaction
Lee, Frankie Duc
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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