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Llegando a la conclusión, sobre la importancia que tienen las TICs en las diversas actividades comerciales que vienen realizando las micro y pequeños empresarios y de cómo el uso adecuado de estas herramientas puede ser provechoso en sus procesos administrativos, productivos y financieros, permitiéndoles obtener una ventaja competitiva, además les permite participar abiertamente de lo viene realizando la SUNAT en materia de orientación tributaria, con su difusión local y virtual y lo valioso que resulta ser el apoyo de la Universidad Nacional Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas a través de la escuela profesional de contabilidad junto a sus alumnos en la formalización de las micro y pequeñas empresas. Palabras-clave: Orientación tributaria, Formalización empresarial, Mypes Abstract: The present research aimed to determine that the tax orientation and information systems and their impact on the formalization of micro and small companies in the city of Chachapoyas, 2018. For this purpose, the research was developed from a quantitative approach, with a Non-experimental design from a descriptive and transectional perspective, the sample consisted of 371 micro and small entrepreneurs from the various economic sectors that carry out their activities in the city of Chachapoyas. Reaching the conclusion about the importance of ICTs in the various commercial activities that micro and small entrepreneurs have been carrying out and how the proper use of these tools can be beneficial in their administrative, productive and financial processes, allowing them to obtain an advantage. competitive, it also allows them to participate openly in what SUNAT has been doing in the area of tax guidance, with its local and virtual dissemination and how valuable the support of the Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza de Amazonas National University turns out to be through the professional school of accounting with his students in the formalization of micro and small businesses.


Orientación tributaria y los sistemas de información: Un medio para la formalización de las micros y pequeñas empresas
Alberto, Hinojosa Salazar Carlos; Roldan, Polo Escobar Benjamín; Lenin, Guivin Guadalupe Alex; Antonio, Morante Dávila Manuel; Luis, Rodríguez Medina José
Publication year
Publication date
Aug 2021
Associação Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informacao
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
© 2021. This work is published under https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0 (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.