
Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) is used as the framework for this qualitative case research study. Developed by Dr. Albert Bandura, SCT is a Health promotion Educational Model (Bandura, 1977). This qualitative case study reviewed efforts to improve Latino middle school Body Mass Index and Student Overall Health through activities promoting self-efficacy, physical activity, health education. Adolescence is recognized as a significant period for sustained health habit change. Reviewed prevention studies advocated that targeting self-efficacy, physical activity and health education could significantly improve student overall health and promote lifestyle change. Research emphasizes that self-efficacy influences physical activity (Nock, 2016). The measurement of Body Mass Index in association with self-efficacy, physical activity and health education was explored in this research study. Body Mass Index was measured by the BMI Percentile Calculator for Child and Teen prior to the case study and at the end of the study to assess if BMI changed as a result of the study. Survey questions were developed for each research focus area, Self-Efficacy, Physical Activity and Health Education. The questions were reviewed with the students through Zoom and their responses collected on Zoom and transcribed on word documents prior to the focus group discussion. These questions were asked during three-scheduled weekly Zoom informational sessions. There was a pre-information session, week one; information session - week two; and a post information session for week three. The responses from focus group session were collected from Zoom following transcription into a word document and imported into NVivo as a data set for analysis. The students’ initial responses to the questions were compared with their responses following the informational session. The student responses were collected following the information session, which provided the participants with specific knowledge regarding each study areas. Due to the research design in purposive sampling and qualitative research, the study group is usually quite small. This represents a non-probability sampling approach. The selected case study included eight middle school students that participate in cultural and educational program at Alianzas de Phoenixville under the program director. The participating Latino, middle school students were selected by the Executive Director of the designated community partner and a school district staff member. The prevalence of adolescent obesity has grown exponentially during the past twenty years. to the multiplicity of obesity poor health outcomes this study introduced an obesity prevention protocol that promoted self-efficacy, physical activity, and health education which provided educational and informational resources to Latino adolescents to improve their overall health. The model provides a tool for feedback and support for students in implementing positive health behaviors (Martin, 2019). The interactive design of this study provides a framework for mentoring participants. The findings of this qualitative study indicated that the collaboration between self-efficacy, physical activity and health education can provide an effective approach for the improvement of overall health, and resource for the prevention of childhood obesity.


A Case Study Exploring the Influence of Self-Efficacy, Physical Activity, and Health Education on Body Mass Index and Latino Middle Student Overall Health
Waites-Howard, Shirley Jean
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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