
Ten high school special education teachers were interviewed on their perceptions of the process in place for transitioning students with mild to moderate autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In many cases, it was determined that although through individual education plans (IEP), students with mild to moderate ASD were provided accommodations and modifications in education, there were little to no guidelines in place for transition planning for students with mild to moderate ASD. The focus of this research was to determine teachers’ perceptions of their own efficacy in transitioning students with ASD along with their perceptions on how well-prepared these students are for life beyond high school. It was determined that teachers’ self-efficacy is hinged upon the success o f their students. Additional areas of concern for participants were insufficient funding and resources, getting enough community involvement, and inconsistent transitioning practices. Policy that dictates education on the following will aid in successful transition: Early Planning; Communication Plan; Educate Parent/Student on ADA laws; Community Incentives; Teacher Pre-Service Education; Periodic Professional Development; and Educate Parent/Student on 504 Plan throughout the school experience.


High School Special Education Teachers' Perceptions of the Efficacy of Transition Programs for Students with Mild to Moderate ASD
Alalet, Rania
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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