
Purpose. The purpose of this quantitative causal-comparative research study was twofold. First was to examine the impact of the use of the mindfulness computer program, Inner Explorer, on math success as measured by the cumulative CAASPP scores in sixth-grade tests. The second was to determine how the use of Inner Explorer affected students’ emotional success and the reduction in the quantity of required office referrals.

Methodology. A quantitative ex post facto research design was used to examine the impact of results from two different elementary school sixth-grade classes with an ethnic breakdown closely resembling San Bernardino County, consisting of 174 de-identified students encompassing 92 students from one campus and 82 from the other. The study employed inferential analysis of data using an independent sample t test to determine whether any statistically significant differences were present.

Findings and Conclusion. Descriptive analysis shows the mean cumulative students’ CAASPP score in School A who experienced the use of Inner Explorer Mindfulness was 2352.65. The mean cumulative students’ CAASPP score in School B who did not experience the use of Inner Explorer Mindfulness was 2462.95. These findings indicate that a typical student taught with the assistance of Inner Explorer earned a score of 2533 (rounded to a whole number), and a student taught without the assistance of Inner Explorer earned a score of 2463 (rounded to a whole number). The difference showed that students taking part in Inner Explorer Mindfulness demonstrated a greater level of math success by 70 points (rounded from 69.70).

Recommendations. Future studies should feature a larger sample size. A longitudinal quantitative study would examine whether statistically significant differences exist in student math success in one school district because of the utilization of Inner Explorer. Replication of this quantitative study could be done with a larger sample size including multiple grade levels. A quantitative study could be conducted to determine whether there is a statistically significant difference in math success, measured by pretest and posttests, as a result of the utilization of Inner Explorer. A qualitative study might be conducted using interviews with teachers and observations of teachers implementing Inner Explorer.


Determining the Degree to Which Active Use of Mindfulness with Elementary Students Affects Their Annual State Test Scores in Math and Reduces Office Referrals
Stager, Andrew
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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