
This study explored how a four-week mindfulness training program affected the perception of stress in preadolescent children playing sports. Using a multiple case study analysis, four children participated in a four-week mindfulness training program specifically designed for their development age and sport. This research study investigated how the participants comprehended stress in sports, understood mindfulness, experienced mindfulness training, and how they applied a mindfulness training program to sports and other situations in their lives. The primary research question was, “how does mindfulness training affect the perception of stress in preadolescent children playing competitive sports?”

Using semistructured interviews, written self-assessments, and quantitative measurement tools, this study examined how children can learn age-appropriate self-regulation skills through a mindfulness program and how that may change their relationship to feelings of stress that arise from playing sports. Criteria for participation included being a child between the ages of seven-years-old and twelve-years-old, playing sports at least once-a-week on an organized team, and having never participated in a sports mindfulness training program with the researcher or having been coached in sports by the researcher. The age guidelines were general age-brackets for the developmental stage of preadolescence, based on several different published terms and guidelines.

Recruitment came from a local neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. Following screening interviews, participants engaged in the four-week mindfulness training program that met outside at a public park. The research site was selected for safety reasons, as this research study took place during the time of the coronavirus pandemic. All city, state, and national coronavirus safety guidelines were followed to ensure the safety of the participants. Participants were given pretest and posttest semistructured interviews, pretest and posttest quantitative measurement tools measuring mindfulness and sports-related stress, and written self-assessments and homework throughout the research study. Interviews were recorded and professionally transcribed. Data from the interviews and written assessments was analyzed and presented as case studies. Data from the quantitative measurement tools was charted and included in the case study presentation.


How Mindfulness Training Affects the Perception of Stress in Preadolescent Children Playing Sports
Faeder, Samuel A.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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