
Artificial intelligence (AI) has provided numerous benefits that help achieve specific goals and tasks in large and small organizations. However, there is a gap in the literature and in the review’s findings on the factors that influence the adoption of AI in IT managers in the digital transformation process. As a result, the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology model 2 (UTAUT2) was used as a theoretical framework to determine to what extent, if any, performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, price value, and habit influence the intention to adopt AI in the digital transformation process. A quantitative, non-experimental survey design was used to understand the relationship between the variables. The target population is comprised of mid and low-level IT managers responsible for digital transformation or decision-makers for the acquisition of new technologies in the organization in the United States. The population included individuals who (a) work as a low to mid-level information systems manager responsible for conducting digital transformations within their organization or other client organizations and have some experience with AI, (b) have a minimum of 4 years of experience in the positions mentioned and who were (c) 27 years of age or older. A total of 101 responded to the survey instrument through an online survey with Qualtrics, only 96 were used for the research. Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used for the statistical procedure and analysis. The results indicated significant relationships between performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, price value, and habits in IT managers or a similar position to adopt AI in the digital transformation. The findings indicated that IT managers or similar positions understand the benefit of AI in the organization. Furthermore, the factors identified are a challenge that affects decision-making in adopting AI or new technologies that cause innovation in organizations. Future research could examine the adoption of AI in other regions of the world and generalize the findings from a global perspective.


Factors Influencing IT Managers’ Acceptance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Transformation
Vázquez Cintrón, José J.
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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