
Mindfulness is now utilized throughout Western Society and is part of the growing behavioral health, self-help, and wellness movements. Mobile applications have become increasingly popular for a wide variety of uses related to physical health, mental health, and self-improvement. Therefore, mindfulness-based mobile applications have promise both as stand-alone tools for end-users seeking self-help resources and as clinician-recommended adjunctive tools to enhance the process and outcomes of professional therapy. This systematic review identified, reviewed, and synthesized the findings from studies (n = 29) concerning the impact of mindfulness-based mobile applications on specific aspects of psychological functioning in both the general population and clinical samples. The aim was to clarify the conclusions warranted based on the extant literature regarding the benefits, limitations, and future directions of mindfulness-based mobile applications with respect to enhancing well-being and reducing depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, and stress among clinical and general population adults. English-language studies published between 2009 and 2021 that examined iOS and/or Android compatible mindfulness-based mobile applications were included in the review. The results indicated that mindfulness-based mobile applications are effective in reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress (both perceived and physiological), in addition to improving well-being. Areas for future research are discussed.


Systematic Review regarding the Use of Mindfulness-Based Mobile Applications to Reduce Psychological Symptoms and Enhance Well-Being among General and Clinical Population Adults: Benefits, Limitations and Future Directions
Clawson, Brian
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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