
The goal of this dissertation is to highlight the relevance of biomarkers in the context of mental health. After introducing the notion of biomarkers associated with mental health disorders, key definitions are provided to assist the reader in understanding the role of biomarkers (e.g., vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, amino acid levels, genes, and microbiome) and their impact on mental health. With research indicating that deficiencies or elevations in several biomarkers may be linked to mental health disorders, the need for valid medical tests to allow for appropriate treatment follow-through is highlighted. Relevant outcome measures will be reviewed in order to provide examples of measures that can be used in future studies on biomarkers, or for monitoring the clinical impact of biomarker related treatments. Literature was obtained from various peer-reviewed sources to allow for a thorough review of relevant literature and empirical studies. This review supports and encourages the consideration of biomarkers, associated testing, and appropriate follow-through, and explores a streamlined implementation through integrated care settings. Finally, it is hoped that this document will serve as a resource to clinicians in deciding an optimal path toward treatment.


Implications of Biomarkers and Associated Medical Tests on the Clinical Treatment of Mental Health Disorders
Islam, Riazul
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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