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Studies on energy generation devices for necessary energy needs have been an increasing trend all over the world as the kinds and quantities of consumer gadgets have increased. Researchers have been studying nanogenerators for the last 15 years in response to this demand. The three main reasons for these studies are increased output power, application to consumer items, and mechanical stability. Hybrid nanogenerators, on the other hand, are a method of combining at least two energy conversion mechanisms, hence reducing the need for a single conversion mechanism. In this context, while triboelectric-piezoelectric combination hybrid nanogenerators are the most popular hybrid nanogenerator class, they have several drawbacks, such as non-compact and unstable structures. As a result, for the first time, a small hybrid polymer-nanofiberbased hybrid nanogenerator concept with high output voltage and current is disclosed in this study. A hybrid nanofibrous structure was created using an electrospinning apparatus with double and triple nozzles. As a result of the periodic-compression test, the resulting nanogenerators produced a maximum voltage density of 5350 V/m2 and a current density of 5454 A/m2. By hand tapping, the resulting master unit was able to light up 119 LEDs and charge a commercial capacitor up to 0.9 V.


Nanofiber mat-based highly compact piezoelectric-triboelectric hybrid nanogenerators
Ünsal, Ömer Faruk; Bedeloǧlu, Ayşe Çelik
Research article
Publication year
Publication date
Jun 2023
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Polymer Engineering
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
© 2023. This work is published under http://www.expresspolymlett.com/ (the “License”). Notwithstanding the ProQuest Terms and Conditions, you may use this content in accordance with the terms of the License.