
This convergent mixed methods postpositivist pragmatic study explored the readiness of firstyear college students in first-year composition courses at one southwestern Pennsylvania university. The purpose of this study was to determine what factors contribute to why some high school students are unprepared to succeed in first-year composition courses. Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory served as the conceptual framework utilized to examine the impact social and educational connections have on student readiness and progress in first-year composition courses. The results of this research study can provide information to high schools and higher education institutions regarding ways to eliminate the gap in student preparedness, thus, enabling smoother student transition to first-year composition courses. Information regarding how to better prepare students for first-year composition courses is provided from professors and students who completed a first-year composition course. Data gathered from first-year composition professors and students as well as surveys, document analysis, and grades were analyzed to create common themes. The six themes outlined in this study include stronger reading and writing skills, academic researching, and formatting skills; assignments choices and freedom in assignments; feedback, peer reviews, writing workshops, and revision; and students felt prepared.


Closing the Gap: A Convergent Mixed Methods Post Positivist Pragmatic Study Exploring the Readiness of First-Year College Students in First-Year Composition Courses.
Cafasso, Tina
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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