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A biofilm is a matrix of microbial cells and their extracellular products that is associated with a solid surface. Previous studies on biofilm development have employed only dissolved compounds as growth limiting substrates, without the influence of microbial species invading from the bulk liquid.

The goal of this research project was to quantify the kinetics of processes governing suspended biomass turnover in biofilm systems, and the accompanying effects of suspended cell deposition on biofilm population dynamics.

Experiments were conducted with two species of bacteria, Pseudomonas putida ATCC 11172 grown on glucose, and Hyphomicrobium ZV620 grown on methanol. Cryptic growth and particulate hydrolysis studies were evaluated, using combinations of these two bacteria, by measuring the uptake of radiolabelled cell lysis products, under batch conditions. Biofilm studies were performed to investigate bacterial deposition, continual biofilm removal by shear induced erosion, and biofilm ecology. Biofilms were developed in a flow cell reactor, under laminar flow conditions. Bacterial species were differentiated by radioactively labelling each species with their carbon substrate.

A mathematical model was developed to predict the biofilm ecology of mixed cultures. The equations developed predict biofilm accumulation, as well as substrate and oxygen consumption.

Results indicate that cryptic growth will occur for bacteria growing on their own species soluble lysis products and in some cases, bacteria growing on the soluble lysis products of other species. Particulate hydrolysis only occurred for Pseudomonas putida growing on Pseudomonas putida lysis products, but the lack of particulate hydrolysis occurring in the other studies may have been due to the short experimental period. Results from the biofilm studies indicate sticking efficiency is greater for cells depositing to an established biofilm than for cells depositing onto clean glass surfaces. Removal rate is a function of the biofilm cell number if the species areal concentration is uniform with depth. Species dominance in a biofilm was found to be a function of the bacterial species, nutrient concentration, growth rates, and the location of each species in the biofilm. The model developed predicts observed biofilm accumulation qualitatively, with deviations occurring in biofilms where one bacterial species was deposited onto another species biofilm.


Fate of deposited cells in an aerobic binary bacterial biofilm
Banks, Margaret Katherine
ProQuest Dissertations Publishing
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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