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The purpose of this study was to identify the roles, outputs, and competencies of distance learning professionals within the United States and Canada. In order to accomplish this a population of 103 distance education experts were identified, and their perceptions regarding this information were sought.

The Round One Survey, which was administered in an open-ended format and modeled after the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) competency study on human resource development, resulted in a response rate of 50%, or 51 returned and completed surveys of the 103 distributed. Using a decision rule of "at least two responses," 11 roles, 83 outputs, and 51 competencies were identified from the first round.

The Round Two Survey, which included a 5-point scale to rate the importance of the outputs and competencies and a 6-point scale to rate the criticality of the competencies across all roles, was sent to the 51 experts who participated in round one. A response rate of 71%, or 36 returned and completed surveys of the 51 distributed, was achieved on the second round (the overall percent of return from the original 103 surveys was 35%, or 36 out of 103). The results indicated no additional roles, outputs, or competencies to be added to the findings from round one, however, changes in two role titles were suggested.

A final list of competencies in rank order was developed from the second round, as well as ranked lists of outputs and competencies by individual role. From these findings, a competency model for distance learning was developed. The model illustrates the final top ten competencies and the eleven roles, and includes a supplemental table outlining outputs and competencies by individual role. The top ten competencies portray the dual importance of both communication and technical skills in distance learning. These ten competencies are: (1) Interpersonal Communication, (2) Planning, (3) Collaboration/Teamwork, (4) English Proficiency, (5) Writing, (6) Organizational, (7) Feedback, (8) Knowledge of Distance Learning Field, (9) Basic Technology Knowledge, and (10) Technology Access Knowledge.


Perceptions of distance education experts regarding the roles, outputs, and competencies needed in the field of distance education
Thach, Elizabeth Carol
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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