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Corporate philanthropy is an attempt by for-profit organizations to improve social conditions, and over time, this activity is ubiquitous with a firm’s financial performance and long-term goals. A for-profit organization’s involvement in seemingly non-profit activities is, therefore, of significant interest for research. This dissertation examines the decision-making process pertaining to the selection of nonprofit organizations for support. By applying case study methodology and through in-depth interviews of executives from corporations based in the North Texas region, the researcher studies the motivations for and the influences on giving decisions. Five research statements formulated from the literature guide this research and assist in focusing on the pertinent issues.

The findings show that giving officers have an important role along with the top management in influencing giving decisions. Corporate executives uphold and preserve the philanthropic vision of the founders and maintain status-quo. Other influences on giving decisions include compatible activities, strategic nature of giving, and popular topics. Moreover, there is a commitment to alleviating local issues and problems. Most corporations prefer to outsource the administration and distribution of their contributions by employing the services of an intermediary nonprofit organization. Further, the hands-on approach to philanthropy is gaining prominence resulting in an increase in organized employee volunteering.


For -profit organizations for social change: An analysis of philanthropic decision-making by North Texas based corporations
Bezboruah, Karabi Chaudhury
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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