
Un cas de colonialisme canadien: Les Hurons de Lorette entre la fin du XIXe et le debut du XXe siecle

Brunelle, Patrick.   Universite Laval (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,  1998. MQ33589.

Abstract (summary)

Les Hurons ont depuis longtemps interesse nombre de chercheurs. Toutefois, peu ont jusqu'ici examine les effets de la politique indienne du gouvernement canadien sur les institutions de la reserve de Lorette et sur l'identite de ses habitants. Ce memoire presente les transformations qui surviennent entre la fin du XIXe siecle et le debut du XXe, notamment sur les plans du territoire, de l'economie, de la vie administrative et politique des Hurons de Lorette. Du meme coup, l'analyse est portee sur les efforts du gouvernement federal visant l'emancipation obligatoire des Hurons, puisque du point de vue federal, ils sont sufisamment accultures pour ne plus avoir de statut particulier propre aux Indiens.

Loin d'accepter une telle mesure, les Hurons s'y opposent farouchement, voyant dans leur statut d'Indien la reconnaissance de leur specificite et de leur statut d'allies. A partir de la reserve, devenue veritable symbole de l'identite huronne, la communaute de Lorette continue a se sentir differente face au reste de la population canadienne. Nous savons maintenant que la canadianisation et les transformations culturelles n'impliquent pas necessairement l'abandon d'un sentiment identitaire proprement huron.

Alternate abstract:

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The Hurons have long been of interest to many researchers. However, few have until now examined the effects of the Canadian government's Indian policy on the institutions of the Lorette reserve and on the identity of its inhabitants. This memoir presents the transformations that occurred between the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, particularly in terms of the territory, economy, administrative and political life of the Hurons of Lorette. At the same time, the analysis is focused on the efforts of the federal government aimed at the compulsory emancipation of the Hurons, since from the federal point of view, they are sufficiently acculturated to no longer have a special status specific to Indians.

Far from accepting such a measure, the Hurons fiercely opposed it, seeing in their Indian status recognition of their specificity and their status as allies. From the reserve, which has become a true symbol of Huron identity, the Lorette community continues to feel different from the rest of the Canadian population. We now know that Canadianization and cultural transformations do not necessarily imply the abandonment of a specifically Huron sense of identity.

Indexing (details)

Canadian history;
Minority & ethnic groups;
Ethnic studies
0334: Canadian history
0631: Ethnic studies
0626: Sociology
Identifier / keyword
Social sciences; French text
Un cas de colonialisme canadien: Les Hurons de Lorette entre la fin du XIXe et le debut du XXe siecle
Alternate title
A Case of Canadian Colonialism: The Hurons of Lorette Between the End of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century
Brunelle, Patrick
Number of pages
Publication year
Degree date
School code
MAI 37/03M, Masters Abstracts International
Delage, Denys
Universite Laval (Canada)
University location
Canada -- Quebec, CA
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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