
Savoir raconter ou l'art de transmettre. Territoire, transmission dynamique et relations intergenerationnelles chez les Wemotaci Iriniwok (Haute-Mauricie)

Lavoie, Kathia.   Universite Laval (Canada) ProQuest Dissertations & Theses,  1999. MQ38133.

Abstract (summary)

Ce memoire traite du processus de la transmission du savoir dans l'univers contemporain des Wemotaci Iriniwok de la Haute-Mauricie. Malgre les bouleversements ecologiques et sociaux qu'a connus la collectivite de Wemotaci, un processus de transmission du savoir culturel impregne toujours le quotidien de ces gens, quotidien a travers lequel l'univers symbolique occupe un role de grande importance. En fait, loin d'etre lineaire ce savoir reinterprete constamment l'environnement dans lequel evoluent les Wemotaci Iriniwok. Ainsi, en presence d'une terre qui s'appauvrit, face a une generation qui a connu l'epoque des pensionnats et devant des macro-institutions de plus en plus fortes, les ai ne(e)s de Wemotaci sont devenus en quelque sorte les heros de ce savoir culturel. De ce fait, la parole des ai ne(e)s se veut une parole d'influence au sein du processus de la transmission du savoir et dans la communaute meme de Wemotaci. Ce memoire s'attarde donc aux relations qu'a etablies cette generation avec celles qui la suivent et demontre comment les differentes generations tout en partageant une identite commune, s'opposent neanmoins sur le sens a donner aux nouvelles realites qui peuplent desormais le quotidien.

Alternate abstract:

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This memoir deals with the process of knowledge transmission in the contemporary world of the Wemotaci Iriniwok of Haute-Mauricie. Despite the ecological and social upheavals that the community of Wemotaci has experienced, a process of transmission of cultural knowledge still permeates the daily lives of these people, daily lives through which the symbolic universe occupies a role of great importance. In fact, far from being linear, this knowledge constantly reinterprets the environment in which the Wemotaci Iriniwok evolve. Thus, in the presence of an impoverished land, faced with a generation that experienced the era of residential schools and faced with increasingly strong macro-institutions, the elders born in Wemotaci have in some way become sort the heroes of this cultural knowledge. As a result, the words of elders are intended to be a word of influence within the process of knowledge transmission and in the Wemotaci community itself. This memoir therefore focuses on the relationships that this generation established with those that followed it and demonstrates how the different generations, while sharing a common identity, nevertheless oppose each other on the meaning to be given to the new realities that now populate daily life.

Indexing (details)

Cultural anthropology
0326: Cultural anthropology
Identifier / keyword
Social sciences; French text; Qu\'ebec
Savoir raconter ou l'art de transmettre. Territoire, transmission dynamique et relations intergenerationnelles chez les Wemotaci Iriniwok (Haute-Mauricie)
Alternate title
Knowing How to Tell Stories or the Art of Transmitting. Territory, Dynamic Transmission and Intergenerational Relations Among the Wemotaci Iriniwok (Haute-Mauricie)
Lavoie, Kathia
Number of pages
Publication year
Degree date
School code
MAI 37/06M, Masters Abstracts International
Poirier, Sylvie
Universite Laval (Canada)
University location
Canada -- Quebec, CA
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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