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The study attempted to draw attention to two observable trends in the guidance and counselling system in the South African education system. First of all there is an increasing awareness by guidance teachers of the problems associated with the neglect of in-service training of guidance teachers from rural, remote and marginalised communities. The second trend relates to a growing concern for and support to the prevailing notion that interactive television (ITV) might be a more appropriate and important medium to reach out to the inappropriately qualified, unqualified and primarily under-qualified guidance teachers.

The primary purpose of this study was to establish the extent to which technology enhanced communication media, in particular, interactive television; also in what way it is exploited to promote the planning, production, utilization and evaluation skills of under-qualified marginalised, rural guidance teachers in the Northern Province of South Africa. Significant numbers of targeted guidance teachers could be exposed to the support-giving environments involving reduced travelling costs, expert instructors, agents and providers of interactivity in the in-service education and training. The ITV medium's two-way communication permits guidance teacher interactivity with the instructor and among themselves simultaneously at geographically separated places. In this situation the one expert has the capability to interact concurrently with groups of classes and trainees at different locations.

Major guidance and counselling services in which guidance teachers need appropriate strategies for in-service training include individual inventory services, information services, counselling services, placement services, evaluation and assessment as well as follow-up services. An ITV support environment empowers guidance teachers with knowledge of factors and supportive strategies that contribute to the successful implementation of interactive TV instruction in the two-way audio and one-way video ITV classroom. ITV media usage prepares guidance teachers for the society where career developments are changing rapidly, information technology is very sophisticated and entrepreneurship is a much needed skill.

A proposed interactive television model for in-service education and training guidance teachers in the Northern province has the potential to motivate them to become aware of the audio-video libraries in the province and/or to approach local video stores to hire out educational videos.


Using interactive television in the in -service education and training of guidance teachers
Maake, Matsobane Joshua
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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