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This dissertation explores craftmaking as a pedagogical approach to environmental awareness. The study commences with an extended narrative of the experiences that shaped the author's understanding of the land and eventually led to her studying craftmaking as a form of environmental education. The ideas of four prominent educators and their craft-based curriculum are interpreted and discussed. A collection of many ideas prevalent in environmental thought discourse is provided and explored in the context of a craft-based curriculum. The ways a craftmaking pedagogy can address the concerns raised by environmental thought advocates, and environmental educators in particular, are emphasized.

The craftmaking pedagogy is then presented. Beginning with a brief overview of the significance of making items useful in human life, questions are raised concerning the way craftmaking experiences shape a person's awareness of the natural locale. The craftmaking pedagogy is presented through a theoretically based map that involves guideposts which are each outlined through definitions, explanations, narrations and suggested teaching activities. This conceptual map is intended to aid craft makers and educators to better identify the aspects of a curriculum that hold the most potential to shape a person's perspective of the natural world. Discussion of interview methodology and analysis are included and associated with the craftmaking pedagogy. A summary of the interviews with craft makers/educators, including indication of significant comments made by each informant, is provided in the appendices. The final chapter provides a conclusion emphasizing the significance of a return to craftmaking experiences in the general population's educational experience.


Craftmaking: A pedagogy for environmental awareness
MacEachren, Elizabeth J.
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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