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This study investigates the assessment of academic achievement of students at the secondary level in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia who are deaf. The study examines the relationship between grades assigned by classroom teachers to students who are deaf and their performance on a standardized measure of achievement, the Stanford Achievement Test. In addition, the study documents the assessment and grading practices of classroom teachers for students in their classes who are deaf, and identifies accommodations provided prior to and during assessment events by classroom teachers, itinerant teachers of the deaf and educational interpreters.

The findings of the study indicate there is statistically significant variability between grades assigned by classroom teachers and performance on a standardized measure of achievement. This suggests that teachers are using factors other than achievement in the determination of grades reflecting academic achievement. In addition, the findings of the study indicate that classroom teachers are primarily responsible for the provision of accommodations prior to and during assessment, and, that itinerant teachers and educational interpreters have minimal to no involvement in the academic assessment of students who are deaf at the classroom level. Moreover, the results of the study suggest that such accommodations as are provided do not specifically address the linguistic challenges of assessment for these students. Findings are considered with respect to their implications for: (a) support services for students who are deaf and hard of hearing; (b) future assessment practices; (c) professional development for classroom teachers and (d) professional development and pre-service training programs for teachers of the deaf.


Assessment of academic achievement of students who are deaf and hard of hearing
MacDonald, Linda Anne
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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