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Claire Lejeune, the Belgian francophone poet and essayist, was born in 1926, and is well now known in feminist studies in Quebec and the United States. However, as of yet, no doctoral thesis has been elaborated on her work. We have restricted the corpus of the Ph D. to the author's essays, and will consider her lyrical poetry and her theatrical production material in further research projects. It must be taken into account that the author's essays are noted for their personal “poetic essay” form.

The fundamental questions that her body of essays poses are those of the philosophers of her time, questions such as: can poetry have political and ethical functions? How can poiesis, that is creation, influence the world about us? And from where must it be expressed to achieve such functional performances. These questions exclude the political sphere as put forward by Plato in favour of rational thinking which has helped sustain philosophy. If we further this premises, then we must assume that philosophy has the right to negotiate ethical and political considerations in the heart of the city. However, Plato did not reject the possible return to poetry in an attempt to test its utility. It is for this reason that contemporary philosophers continue returning to this essential founding action as a fundamental condition of their practice, but, at the same time, question the legitimacy of this exile and thus revindicate the ethical and political aspects of a poetry that they consider “thinking poetry” or “poetics”.

Our research examines the nature of the hybrid writing of these “poetic essays”. In a fundamentally romantic act, discourse aims to effectively join poetry and philosophy which have been separated since ancient times so as to prepare the grounds for rational logic. As an alternative to rational logic, based on the principals of identity, no contradiction and third excluded, which have founded not only philosophy but have constructed History as the history of patriarchy. The authoress therefore propose an alternative manner to rationalise the world. The question now posed is: in what consists thought considered from a non-logical point of view. We believe that it consists in a hermeneutics based on an analogy which includes the third and deconstructs identities. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)


The Poetic Approach of Claire Lejeune
Renouprez, Martine
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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