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The demand to teach more culturally and linguistically diverse student populations, coupled with an increase in students identified with special learning needs, has presented teachers with the challenge of how to meet all students' unique and individual learning needs in a heterogeneous general education class. This research inquiry addressed this question by studying the inclusion classroom where students with special learning needs are taught with their peers in the general class, and specialized instructional supports are brought to the student.

This qualitative study consisted of case studies of two English classes at two secondary schools in Hawai'i. Each implemented different models of inclusion to provide specialized instruction in the general classroom for students with mild learning and emotional disabilities. Key research questions focused on: What does the inclusion model look like in two classrooms in Hawai'i public schools and what characteristics positively or negatively affect student academic achievement? Each case study revealed how inclusion functions for the teachers and students in their classrooms. Research methodology included daily observations throughout a semester; informal interviews with key stakeholders such as teachers, students and administrators, and document study.

The findings suggested that there are key components for effective inclusion that were lacking in the classes that were studied. These components are adequate collaboration between the special education and general education teachers, appropriate class size, professional development to build teacher knowledge and skills, and the use of accommodations and instructional supports to meet students' needs, such as differentiated learning strategies and cooperative learning. The results of this study suggest that future efforts towards the inclusion of secondary students with mild learning disabilities in the general classroom should consider stronger classroom supports, improved teaching strategies, fully-licensed special education teacher support, and administrative oversight at the state, district, and school levels.


A case study of the implementation of inclusion at two secondary schools in Hawai'i
Malanaphy, Maureen
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
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Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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