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This dissertation is an evaluation of service delivery in the administrative state. Specifically, the primary aim of this research is to examine faith-based organizations as an alternative form of service delivery. In an effort to determine the relative merits of different service-delivery systems, the author focuses on the satisfaction levels of citizens from different types of organizations (public, nonprofit, and faith-based).

Satisfaction with service delivery is analyzed by surveying clients from three types of organizations that provide government services: public, nonprofit, and faith-based organizations. While other elements exist in analyzing service delivery, this research focuses on client satisfaction in evaluating service delivery. By comparing satisfaction levels among the three types of organizations, one can gain a clearer picture of service delivery within the context of the administrative state and what faith-based organizations provide from the citizen's perspective.

This dissertation begins with an introduction to the research question. Next, service delivery within the administrative state is evaluated, including the history of welfare as background for the research. Following this discussion, faith-based organizations are presented.

This evaluation of faith-based organizations includes an overview of legislation that enables such organizations to exist, as well as the reasons this type of organization is considered as an alternative to service delivery. Chapter 4 presents a discussion of the methodology.

The research and subsequent evaluation of client satisfaction reveals that although clients of faith-based organizations are satisfied with the level of service they receive, they are not the most satisfied. Based on the findings, clients of nonprofits in this study are most satisfied. Not surprisingly, clients of public organizations are the least satisfied of the three client groups (public, nonprofit, and faith-based).


Service delivery in the administrative state: Faith -based organizations as a client satisfaction alternative
Burrows, Melissa K.
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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