
Model for developing trust in construction management

Zuppa, Diodoro.   University of Florida ProQuest Dissertation & Theses,  2009. 0822781.

Abstract (summary)

The construction industry is facing a number of challenges related to low productivity rates, uncertain profits and low adaptation rates of new technologies. Trust between contracting parties on construction projects is viewed as an important strategy to address these and other problems. This research focused on identifying the factors found on construction projects that weakened or strengthened trust between stakeholders.

A thorough literature review of leadership approaches, trust models and leadership and trust in construction was completed. The leadership literature found that effective leadership was dependent on trust. The review of the trust models confirmed this finding and provided insights regarding the nature of developing trust. The construction literature provided additional insights and the necessary context of trust on construction projects.

The methodology applied in the research first developed a comprehensive framework containing a number of factors that could impact trust on construction projects. The applicability of the framework was tested. The factors in the framework were prioritized and reduced with the use of a preliminary survey. The revised prioritized framework provided the basis for the research questions and survey questions. The survey was administered by phone with fax and e-mail support. The survey results were analyzed using advanced statistical methods. The statistical results were developed in a preliminary trust model. The model was tested by validating cases studies. The results of the case studies were incorporated to develop a revised and final trust model for contracting parties on construction projects.

The survey respondents were characterized as highly educated males with over 20 years of construction experience holding senior positions. Thorough the use of descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test, Chi-Square Test of Independence, and validating case studies each trust factor was identified as weakening trust, strengthening trust or requiring trust. The major findings indicated that face-to-face communications strengthened trust; the over use of e-mail weakened trust; honoring informal and formal agreements was the key antecedent of trust; time was the key performance indicator; construction management was enhanced by high levels of trust and trust could increase the bottom line of construction projects. (Full text of this dissertation may be available via the University of Florida Libraries web site. Please check http://www.uflib.ufl.edu/etd.html)

Indexing (details)

Civil engineering
0543: Civil engineering
Identifier / keyword
Applied sciences; Communication; Construction management; Leadership; Trust
Model for developing trust in construction management
Zuppa, Diodoro
Number of pages
Degree date
School code
DAI-B 71/11, Dissertation Abstracts International
University of Florida
University location
United States -- Florida
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Document type
Dissertation/thesis number
ProQuest document ID
Database copyright ProQuest LLC; ProQuest does not claim copyright in the individual underlying works.
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