
The purpose of this research project was to see if it would be beneficial to implement a Christian formation process at McGuire United Methodist Church focused on developing intimacy with God and the community of faith through small group spiritual direction, personal prayer practices and an understanding of St. Benedict's monastic virtues of stability, obedience and conversion of life. This intervention created an initial experience of small group spiritual direction, with attention given to the four personal prayer practices of journaling, praying the Psalms, Lectio Divina and centering prayer, with an emphasis on St. Benedict’s monastic virtues of stability, obedience, and conversion of the Christian life. The flow of spiritual direction implemented in this research project included group contemplative silence, a time for each participant to share their journey into God with the small group and a commitment to listen, reflect and respond to the other group members’ narrative of their journey into God. As a result of this five-week experience in small group spiritual direction at McGuire United Methodist Church, participants developed closer relationships with one another in their group as they shared their experience of God throughout their lives.


An Experience in Small Group Spiritual Direction at McGuire United Methodist Church
Johnson Hooton, Cynthia Frances
Publication year
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
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