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The purpose of the study was to collect and interpret descriptive data on the current status of class piano instruction in four-year degree-granting institutions of higher education which were accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM). More specifically, the research sought information in three areas: (1) The study elicited information about the nature and scope of instruction, including a comparison of program goals with NASM standards. (2) The study provided a profile of the class piano instructor, including the nature of pedagogical preparation for class piano teaching. (3) The study afforded an organized source of updated information about materials, instruments, and equipment in use, focusing on the incorporation of new technology into the classroom.

The research was conducted by means of a survey sent to class piano instructors at NASM accredited institutions listed in the 1988-90 College Music Society Directory. The results are based on 383 responses.

The data collected led to recommendations for improvements in music programs, materials, and teacher training: (1) piano classes should be restructured to service the various music degree programs and to match NASM standards; (2) curricula should be revised to allow more time for development of functional skills; (3) classes should be scheduled for a minimum of three fifty-minute periods weekly; (4) a resource guide for the piano class should be written; (5) more materials for development of functional skills should be published; (6) separate classes should be provided for non-music majors; (7) the curricula of piano pedagogy programs should be revised to include substantial coursework in the teaching of functional skills, group dynamics, and in use of the new technology; (8) more student teaching experiences and graduate teaching assistantships in class piano should be made available; (9) class piano instructors must be well-qualified, required to teach a class during the interview, and efforts should be made to attract minority faculty; (10) funding must be sought to update equipment and materials; and, (11) workshops should provide demonstrations of classroom uses of new technology.


A descriptive and interpretive study of class piano instruction in four-year colleges and universities accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music with a profile of the class piano instructor
Skroch, Diana
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses
Source type
Dissertation or Thesis
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ProQuest document ID
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