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Copyright International Journal of Cyber Criminology Jul-Dec 2014


The study has been conducted through observational-analytical approach and while applying the documented case study as well as content analysis methods. The study depicts that intolerance of the family members to the pre-marital relationships and matrimonial choices of their daughters especially towards inter-caste and Inter-religious marriages results into the honour based violence. The study further observes that a noticeable number of honour killings are executed as crimes of passion aroused by sudden provocation when the couples are caught in compromising situations by the family members of the girls. Besides fathers and brothers of the girls, there are direct involvements of their mothers, paternal and/or maternal uncles, family friends and even contract killers into the murders. It has been observed that the centuries old conformist mind set prevailing in the patriarchal society does not accept the girls to establish pre-marital relations or to find males of their own choices to marry with. The patronage of the community and the leniency of the law have made the honour killings frequent trend which possesses socio-cultural legitimacy as well. Therefore, besides constituting rigorous laws and rigid punishments to counter the problem, it is immediately required to change the mindset of the bigoted patriarchal societies to become tolerant towards matrimonial choices of their daughters especially towards inter-caste and inter-religious marriages.


Honour Killings in Haryana State, India: A Content Analysis
Deol, Satnam Singh
Publication year
Publication date
Jul-Dec 2014
International Journal of Cyber Criminology
Source type
Scholarly Journal
Language of publication
ProQuest document ID
Copyright International Journal of Cyber Criminology Jul-Dec 2014